This is a recording of zoom-based webinar hosted by Secretary, Morgan Wagner and Communications Officer, Jayce Owens-Boone on January 28th from 4-5 PM (CST).
We asked the members of the 2024-2025 Student Committee to answer some questions about themselves to help you get to know who they are and what they do. ![]() What is your school, program, and year? Florida School of Professional Psychology at National Louis University, Clinical Psychology PsyD Program, 4th year Why psychology and the law? Growing up, I discovered my ability to empathetically understand and connect to individuals in trouble with the law. I soon realized that the general public often has different views of people who have been in trouble with the law than I do! So, I found a career path in forensic clinical psychology where I can use my ability to help and connect with this underserved population as much as possible. What is your favorite thing about your current graduate program? My favorite thing is connecting with my peers who share the same passions as I do. If you were not in graduate school, what would you do? I would be a digital nomad traveling the world. What advice do you have for those applying to graduate school? Figure out who and what in your life brings you joy. Lean on those people and things throughout your graduate and professional career because they will be your lifeboat! If you had one year to train, what Olympic sport do you think you could qualify and medal in? I would love to say volleyball or track and field, but I could never make that happen in one year. So, I am going to have to go with archery. I have done archery a couple of times, and I think I could train for a year and be decent. Books or movies? Out of those two, I would pick movies. BUT if TV shows was an option I would definitely pick TV shows (specifically reality TV) If you could only watch 3 movies for the rest of your life, what would they be? The Blind Side, In Time, & The Other Woman What is your go-to road trip snack? Lime-Flavored Plantain Chips Does pineapple belong on pizza? Without a doubt, don't knock it till you try it Explain your hot take about pineapple on pizza. I grew up eating it, and a good Hawaiian pizza is my go-to pizza order! Add some red chili flakes and *chef's kiss* What is your favorite place you have ever traveled? While I am yet to be a world traveler, my so far favorite place to travel to is Salt Lake City, Utah! It has everything someone who enjoys nature could want (coming from a girl from Florida) Would you only eat hot food or cold food for the rest of your life? Why? I personally would have to say hot foods! Hot foods just taste so much better and have so much more flavor! What is your favorite weird fact? Dolphins have signature whistles for each other in their pod, similar to names humans have for each other We asked the members of the 2024-2025 Student Committee to answer some questions about themselves to help you get to know who they are and what they do. ![]() What is your school, program, and year? University of Birmingham, Psychology Ph.D., 3rd year Why psychology and the law? I wanted to be like Clarice Starling from Silence of the Lambs—I found her journey of piecing together fragments of physical and memory evidence to find Buffalo Bill fascinating. This sparked my interest in how the two fields intersect. Studying memory in a forensic setting has allowed me to combine my passions, as memory plays a crucial role in the criminal justice system and is a key stepping stone in gathering information about a crime or a perpetrator. Without memory, Clarice wouldn’t have recognised the Death’s-head moth in Jame Gumb’s house and realised he was Buffalo Bill! What is your favorite thing about your current graduate program? The range of incredible opportunities - I've been lucky enough to work with renowned academics and travel nationally and internationally to present our work. If you were not in graduate school, what would you do? If I wasn't doing a Ph.D. I think I'd have trained to be a psychological wellbeing practitioner or a nurse. What advice do you have for those applying to graduate school? Ask lots of questions and do plenty of networking. Reaching out to researchers, whether their work aligns with your research interests or you simply admire their work, is a great way to build connections and showcase your enthusiasm. Early networking can also serve as a stepping stone for potential future collaborations. If you had one year to train, what Olympic sport do you think you could qualify and medal in? I'd do well at sprinting if there was a McDonalds at the finish line. Books or movies? Movies! If you could only watch 3 movies for the rest of your life, what would they be? Silence of the Lambs, Misery, Devil Wears Prada (to lighten the mood) What is your go-to road trip snack? Salt and vinegar crisps Does pineapple belong on pizza? No, I'm sorry! Explain your hot take about pineapple on pizza. The textures are all wrong! What is your favorite place you have ever traveled? Northern Territory, Australia. Would you only eat hot food or cold food for the rest of your life? Why? Cold foods - I'm a big snacker so hot foods would be less practical. What is your favorite weird fact? Wombat poop is cube shaped - I just googled weird facts to find one and I am suitably impressed. |
About the Editor:
The American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychology Association) Student Committee is composed of elected student leaders representing the interests of our student members. Categories
January 2025