We asked the members of the 2021-2022 Student Committee to answer some questions about themselves to help you get to know who they are and what they do. What is your school, program & year? The University of Alabama, Clinical Psychology (with a concentration in Psychology and Law), fourth year. Why psychology and the law? It is both fascinating and hugely impactful. If you could only watch 3 movies or tv shows over and over for the rest of your life, what would they be and why? The Office (because I'm a basic millennial), Snapped (because the narrator's voice is practically my lullaby), and either Westworld or Raised by Wolves (because I'm very into robot dystopia lately). Is cereal soup? I don't think so. If anything, the cereal would be a garnish, and milk alone does not a soup make. What is a quote you like and who said it? I love the poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann. "You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here." What is your favorite thing about your current graduate program? The people - I love my cohort and our faculty. Also, Alabama (my home state) has an enormous need for forensic mental health services, so we are able to make real, meaningful impacts here. If you were not in graduate school what would you do? A receptionist or administrative assistant. What advice do you have for those applying to graduate school? Network as much as possible, accept that you may not get into your dream program (and that's okay!), and make sure you are ready to dedicate a large chunk of your life to grad school. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen? PRETTY FLY FOR A WIFI
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The American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the American Psychology Association) Student Committee is composed of elected student leaders representing the interests of our student members. Categories
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